Il Fiero Popolo di Vallata - thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving Day
Il Giorno del Ringraziamento

Thanksgiving is a social holiday for Americans and Canadians. People give thanks for everything they have. They celebrate it with a Big dinner and they usually eat roast turkey, with granberry sauce, corn, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. The tradition started in 1631n with the "pilgrims", the first colonist of America. They left great Britain, in 1620, because of religious Persecutions, on the "May Flowers", a small ship. They founded "Plymouth" on the northEastern coast of north America. The Indians helped them during the long, cold winter. In the spring, they helped them to cultivate corn and hunt. The summer harvest was excellent. The pilgrims decided to thank god and in November they celebrated with a Big feast together with the native American Indians. The feast losted three days.

Rosanna Gallicchio


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